

Caraquet, November 23, 2018 – At a press conference this morning, the Fondation Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus announced important partnerships in support of its $1.2 million Major Fundraising Campaign over three years. The Campaign Chair, Joseph Lanteigne and his team were proud to publicly introduce the following donors who had committed to support the major projects of the Enfant Jésus RHSJ† Hospital in Caraquet: Fondation St Pierre ($50,000), Shoppers Drug Mart (25 000 $), L’Acadie Nouvelle ($15,000), Filles d’Isabelle de Caraquet ($6,000), Christina Mallet ($2,400), Bernard Thériault ($2,400), Joseph Lanteigne ($1,950) and honourable René Cormier ($1,000). To recognize these donors’ support, a number of spaces and rooms had been named in their honour at the Enfant Jésus RHSJ† Hospital. These partners’ total donation stands in addition to the $390 049 contribution made public at the Campaign Launch on October 15.

“The commitments announced this morning represent an additional $103,750 toward our 600 000 campaign. We are very grateful to all our partners for their generous contributions. Their commitments have allowed us to reach a very important step in our campaign. Thanks to their generosity and to the other commitments previously announced, we have exceeded 82 percent of our objective, a ” cumulative amount of 493 799 $ stated Joseph Lanteigne, Chair of the Major Fundraising Campaign.

A campaign meeting urgent needs

In addition to supporting the acquisition of equipment and the development of high-quality space for the Oncology Department, the money raised during the campaign will allow the department to adapt to new standards. The renovations will make patients more comfortable, make it easier for staff to do their work, and optimize workflow. The upgrade will improve care team communication, increase clinical effectiveness, reduce risks and raise the quality of care. Furthermore, the new facilities will free up resources in order to provide complementary patient services and to conduct quality improvement and educational activities.

About the Fondation de l’Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus

The Foundation is a solid partner of the Enfant-Jésus RHSJ† Hospital. It acts as a driving force and supports the hospital’s projects that have a significant impact on the quality of patient care. The Foundation has invested more than $2 million in the Enfant Jésus RHSJ† Hospital since 1988
