
General Annual Meeting

November 25, 2020

CARAQUET – This past year was certainly marked by the outstanding success of our first major campaign. The commitment shown by our volunteers and donors simply exceeded all our expectations.

On September 18, we announced an amount of $870,788 in the presence of donors, staff members and physicians from the Enfant-Jésus RHSJ† Hospital in Caraquet as well as volunteers who contributed to the success of our major campaign. Considering that the objective was to raise $815,000, we can affirm that the campaign was an all-around success. This money has made it possible to set up the Oncology Clinic and to acquire other equipment to help in the fight against cancer for the Medical Imaging Department and the Urology Clinic.

The success of such a campaign depends on the attachment people have to their hospital. We are fortunate to have been able to count on pillars that led this campaign to a successful conclusion. We would like to highlight the important role played by our ambassadors: Mr. René Cormier, Honorary Chair, and Mr. Joseph Lanteigne, Chair of the campaign. They gathered a dynamic team that has made every effort to raise awareness in our community to the pressing needs of our hospital. It is thanks to this winning recipe, combined with our community’s great generosity, that it is now possible to offer enhanced health care and services right here.

Year after year, you are among the hundreds of loyal donors who renew their support to the Foundation. This year, in addition to contributing to projects linked to the major campaign, your support helped raise $315,679 for the following sectors:

  • $46,600 – Patient care areas (15%);
  • $241,042 − Diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up areas (76%);
  • $8,037 – Continuing education and other areas (3%);
  • $20,000 – Regional Projects (6%)

“We can’t conclude without saying thank you to the Foundation family: volunteers, donors and partners. Together, each in your own way, day after day, you help enhance the health care and services offered at our hospital. Thank you so much for your generosity and involvement. Thank you for standing behind the Foundation and patients.”, explains Ms. Christina Mallet, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Fondation Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus.

The elected members of the Board of Directors of the Fondation Hôpital de l’Enfant Jésus are: Christina Mallet (chairperson), Aline Landry (vice-chairperson), Frédéric Poirier (treasurer), Jean-Claude Doiron (secretary), Judy Butler (Facility representative and Regional Manager of health centres), Céline Haché, Dr. Solange Lanteigne, Étienne Boudreau, Florence Albert, Annie-Julie Gauvin, David Blanchard and Donat Bertin.

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For more information, please contact:

Mona Doucet, Director of Development / Development Office 506-726-2166
